Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Week #13 Online Presence

The topic of online presence and how much information you give out is an extremely interesting topic to talk about. The supposed harmless nature of these social media websites is simply brushed off because the majority of people simply give all there information out to them for free. Examples of information given out are phone numbers, emails, real names, addresses, and much more. The underlining question is if these websites are safe to give this information to or not? This is a topic of debate because these websites are not all that secure when they get data breaches and millions of accounts get information leaked/released. Even the most popular and well-funded websites such as Facebook involuntarily lose users important data ranging from emails, passwords, credit card account information and so on. This begs users to evaluate whether the risk is worth it in the end. Overall, I think that the world has turned digital, and with that comes the ups and downs as does almost every situation in life. With the new age of the internet and technology, I have concluded that it is simply unavoidable to avoid the internet and online presence of oneself completely enough to not have even minor personal data leaked. No matter how hard one tries, some aspect, whether you are being careful or not, will not all be safe in this day and age if you use the internet and connect personal data to any website. The only way to truly avoid it would be to live out your life in a wood cabin in the wilderness with no connections to the inner world’s technology.

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