Monday, May 4, 2020

Final Blog

Technology is the pinnacle point of the advancements of the human race. Specifically, electronic technology has swept the world with amazing inventions from miniature desktop computers we call smart phones to artificial intelligence in physical robotic forms. With these amazing inventions brings some unexpected turn backs and effects that come after. An example of this is that due to people being more invested in mobile devices such as smart phones, they now become prone for addiction to these products. Due to them becoming more reliant to these products, they lose social skills that are necessary to the development of their personalities. Personally, I think that technology, like our phones, brings people together more easily than without them due to social media, instant messaging, phone calls, and more. Especially in times like these with the corona virus outbreak, people can stay connected with one another. They can watch television and stay up to date on current events, play games online with their friends, and continue school with programs online such as zoom and Skype. Technology allows people to stay connected to each other, but it is in a different way than face to face interactions. It is not necessarily bad; it is simply a type of variant of interaction that is not yet fully accepted by every person or community.

The 7 Biggest Technology Trends That Will Transform Telecoms In 2020

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