Sunday, March 8, 2020

Week #5 Antiwar

America to a lot of people inside and outside of the country can agree that it is known for its heavy involvement in war and conflict. In general, the government of the country advocates that they are antiwar, yet show many signs that they indeed are prowar. It is like their words show that they are antiwar, but their words say much different. In regards to people who truly are antiwar in America, you really never get to see or hear anything from them. You have to do a lot of digging around to find them, this is usually because they are censored as much as possible in order to create the idea that war is good for America. This concept is pushed because war makes a lot of money for the country and military specifically. These antiwar propaganda will most likely be concealed regardless if it is the right things to do according to this logic. The government pushes war for a business stand point whether or not they truly should be doing it. These voices need to be heard because it is unconstitutional to silence people’s opinions because they know that some superpower or entity is up to no good.

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Week #7 Someone's Technology Presentation

The cassette tape was invented by Phillips in 1962 in the county of Belgium. Anyone could make audio recordings with this technology. It had high quality recording features that were the best of its era. In 1965, Musicassettes were invented and became mainstream in America by the year 1966. Musicassettes were preloaded with content. With the introduction of the Walkman, the cassette tape become portable. Its popularity went on the decline with the release of compact disc or CD’s because of their better quality. Cassette tapes brought many things to the introduction of portable personal technology. Suddenly, anyone was able to record from the tapes now. Only people who worked in studios were able to do this before because of the knowledge required to use that complicated gear and profession. Now people could record audio without having to have the extensive knowledge or practice. Music then became more portable because it was now able to be recorded onto the cassette tapes and listened to with ease and on the go. There were also many features added to the cassette tapes such as noise reduction and the development of new tape to improve performance and overall sound quality.

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Week #4 Google Antitrust

48 U.S. States have launched an antitrust investigation against the company google. The purpose of this investigation is to assess whether google is overly dominant in the online advertising. Google has the most dominant search engine by far in today’s age. Google was started in 1998 and was launched by Larry Page and Sergey Brin to advertise the search engine. Essentially, the search engine has made the gigantic company it is today. Google’s parent company, Alphabet, has a market value of almost $820 billion dollars. Where ever you are on the internet, google most likely owns a huge chunk of what you are browsing through and using. The odds of google being able to track all of your personal information is highly likely due to this. They single handedly can record all of your information without you ever knowing. Since they are such a monstrous entity, they have the power to do so and not being noticed at all. This is why they must be checked in on frequently or else they might wind up doing some behind the scenes dirty work that can cause tons of issues for regular people.  

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Coronavirus Lockdown

I guess you could say that no one in the world was expecting this coronavirus outbreak to wind up as serious of an event as it is. I for sur...